Qing Dynasty, 18th Century
Length Of Box: 12cm
Length Of Inkstone: 10.6cm
The inkstone is of a teardrop shape decorated with two confronting phoenix heads, each holding a stem of a lotus in their beak, all above a circular recess forming the inkwell surface. The sides of the inkstone are decorated in relief with scrolling clouds while the back shows a recessed platform within a thin band. The jade is overall white in tone with black inclusions and traces of russet skin on the sides. The inkstone is fitted with a zitan box and cover.
An example of a jade inkstone with russet skin from the collection of the Beijing Palace Museum is published in the Macau Museum of Art publication The Life of Qian Long: Vivencias do Imperador Qian Long, 2002, p. 214, Catalogue No. 63
清十八世紀 白玉雙鳳紋硯