The brushpot is formed from a single section of bamboo and bent to
the shape of a curled scroll mounted on a hongmu base. The left side
of the scroll is modelled as a gnarled tree trunk accentuated with
burls and knots, the exterior worked in high relief depicting
gnarled branches of budding and flowering prunus and pine. The right
side is similarly carved in the form of a sectioned bamboo stem with
further leafy shoots in relief, together forming the ‘Three Friends
of Winter’. The bamboo is richly patinated to a bright caramel
The exquisite quality and masterful naturalism seen on the current
brushpot is reminiscent of exquisite wood artefacts produced in the
imperial workshops. An ivory brushpot dated to the early Qing
dynasty in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, with
similar rendering of the prunus tree, is published in Bamboo, Wood,
Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn Carvings in the Collection of the Palace
Museum: Classics of the Forbidden City 故宮經典 故宮竹木牙角圖典,
Beijing, 2010, p. 205. Compare also a closely related bamboo
‘prunus’ brushpot, with similar exuberant treatment of the prunus in
high relief, included in the exhibition of Bamboo Carvings from
Jiading in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
《疁城仙工:明清嘉定竹刻特展》at Jiading Museum, Shanghai, 2020, pp.
清中期 竹雕歲寒三友書卷式筆筒 |