Qing Dynasty, 18th Century
Height: 15.5cm
The brushpot is of slight ovoid form and depicts a section of a prunus tree trunk, naturalistically carved with details of the gnarled bark and knots. Flowering branches issue from the sides and curl along the vessel and the rim of the brushpot. The bamboo is patinated to a deep brown colour.
An ivory brushpot dated to the early Qing dynasty carved with a similar design of a prunus tree section in the collection of the Palace Museum is published in Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn Carvings in the Collection of the Palace Museum: Classics of the Forbidden City 故宮經典 故宮竹木牙角圖典, 2010, p. 205
清十八世紀 梅樁型竹雕筆筒