17th Century
Diameter: 9.8cm
Weight: 836 grams
The box and its cover is heavily cast with eight-lobed petals
framing the central mallow-shaped top. The box rests on a thick
shallow base. The base is cast in relief with the mark
Tiandi yijia chun 天地一家春 “Springtime for the One Family
of Heaven and Earth” within a recessed cartouche.
bronze is glossy in finish and patinated to a dark toffee tone.
The original source of the text is attributed to Yang
Juyuan 楊巨源 (755-?), from the fourth of his
春日奉獻聖壽無疆詞十首Ten Poems on “Wishing His Majesty Endless
Longevity On This Spring Day”, published in
Quan Tang Shi 全唐詩 (Complete Verse of the Tang) (Beijing:
Zhonghua shuju, 1960, reprint 1979), 333:3734. One couplet of which
雲山九門曙 | As cloudy mountains outside the Nine Gates gleam, |
天地一家春 | It’s springtime for the entire family of Heaven and Earth. |
十七世紀 銅葵花式印泥盒 |
「天地一家春」款 |