QING DYNASTY (1644-1911)
The substantial vertical seal is of rectangular form, with the top accentuated by naturally formed root knots. The bamboo is cross-sectioned through the nodes to reveal hollowed vertical slits and arcs around the sides. The bamboo is patinated to a warm brown tone. The seal face is carved with an inscription reading:
君子和天不同 | The noble man aims at harmony with Heaven and not at agreement; |
小人同天不和 | the petty man aims at agreement with Heaven and not at harmony. |
“Heaven” here means the natural world, including the human world.
“Agreement” is not “harmony”; agreement means to agree whether it
regards something good or bad—that is, just to get along, even if it
means condoning evil; “harmony” always involves only the good.
The text is a variant of Analects (Lunyu 論語) 13:23:
The Master [Confucius] said: “The noble man aims at harmony but not
at agreement; the petty man aims at agreement but not at harmony.”
清 竹根雕隨形長方印 |