The curved shaft of the sceptre is masterfully carved in the form of
a gnarled twisted stalk issuing three lingzhi heads in openwork
forming the terminal, with a bat perched atop the largest fungus.
The central shaft is further wreathed by intertwining branches
issuing furled leaves and succulent pomegranates in high relief, all
terminating to a further cluster of lingzhi fungus at the base. The
wood richly patinated to a warm caramel-brown tone.
The imperial workshops were prolific in wood carvings of the finest
quality to cater the court’s taste under the reigns of Yongzheng and
Qianlong Emperors. Such examples produced during the Yongzheng
period were characterised and distinguished from its succeeding
reign by their simple elegance and masterful naturalism, as evident
in the present example. A closely related imperial boxwood example,
with a similar treatment to the curved shaft in jagged contours and
bearing a four-character ‘Yongzheng nianzhi’ 雍正年製 mark, is
published in Arts from the Scholar’s Studio , Hong Kong, 1986, pp.
42-43, Catalogue No. 7.
A Japanese Private Collection, formed during the Meiji-Taisho
periods (1868-1926)
清雍正 黃楊木雕石榴靈芝紋如意 |