SONG DYNASTY (960-1279)
The ape is modelled in a squatting position, clasping a large peach on its lap.
Its head resting atop its raised left hand and finely detailed with a wrinkled
forehead, rounded eyes and a protruding jaw. The stone is of an attractive
greenish-yellow tone accentuated by russet-coloured inclusions and veins.
The lustrous dark skin of the stone is playfully incorporated into the carving
forming the ape’s fur, its stark colour contrast with the translucent yellowish
peach created a whimsical touch to the carving. The depiction of monkey
offering peach fruit was a popular motif associated to wishes for longevity, as the
combination has traditionally been a symbol of long life and good health.
A slightly smaller Song dynasty yellow jade figure of a monkey holding a peach is
published in Maria Kiang Chinese Art, 2016, Catalogue No. 18.
The Jiu Ru Yuan Collection 九如園 , Hong Kong, acquired in the 1980s.
宋代 褐黃玉猴子獻壽 |